This bag is made to be worn either over the shoulder or across the body using the adjustable strong strap. We prefer to make a full leather strap for you, but linen and leather options are available on request.
It can also be made with shoulder straps - and this is a specific version suited to a wheelchair user due to riding high on the shoulders.
The 'Suvikumpu' world traveller satchel is made as either a standard version or as a deluxe version. Both standard and deluxe versions of the Suvikumpu can be made with either fabric or leather side panels as shown in the images.
Both standard & deluxe versions have a slim secondary compartment inside the main inner compartment, while the deluxe version is fully lined in a choice of soft pigskin suede and/or fabric. Suede colours include; Tan, Grey, Purple, Sunflower, Tangerine, Poppy, Fuchsia & Plum, but others are available on request.
A choice of other additional internal pockets and compartments can be added, including a detachable iPhone holder that can be used separately from the bag.
The leather colours currently available for both versions are: Chestnut, Black, Red, Yew Green and Blue, Ochre, Navy, Lichen grey, Mid Green, Chestnut, Hazel, with either matching leather or fabric side panels.
The Suvikumpu, World Traveller Leather Satchel can be personalised with a name or monogram.